I have spent 35 years in the outdoors trout fishing many lakes in central and northern Ontario, then in later years I adding hunting and trapping to my list of sporting adventures. With no mentor to guide me, my only informational resources where hunting magazines.When new magazines would hit the stands, so would I and I wouldn't just buy one, but three or four. I learned a lot in the early years from those pages. I still reference them all the time. My wife has often asked me if she can start throwing some of them out, but I'd just tell her I'm saving them for when grandkids start coming around and want to look at Grandpas hunting books.
Combining my fishing, hunting and trapping experience, I have designed my website to offer information and tips for all seasons and species that I pursue. I will also post reviews on the products I use or that manufacturers ask me to try. I've found over the years that the best way to be consistently successful is to get out there, make mistakes and learn from them. South Central Ontario has many opportunities for outdoor adventures.
More recently I have acquired a Pro Staff position with Vanguard Hunting Accessories, Knotty Beaver Game Calls, Nikon Sports Optics and Browning/Winchester Firearms. I will be showcasing their complete line of hunting products as I use and test them.
I have also started writing articles for Ontario Out of Doors Magazine and will link to them as they are published.
I am passionate about the outdoors, and I am consistent with my success in my pursuits.
"Enjoy but respect the private land that you hunt on "